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SKU: RXSOL-81-8190-210 Category:


Hydrotech 3670 RX is a new improved combined hydrotest inhibitor, whichis a blend of corrosion inhibitor, and  biocide for use in general hydrotesting, packer fluids and completion fluids. Hydrotech 3670 RX affords protection against oxidative corrosion, carbon dioxide induced pitting corrosion and hydrogen sulphides as well as controlling the growth and proliferation of micro-organisms, namely sulphatereducing. It should be used in situations where water is to be used in a static environment for long periods of time, such as hydrostatic pipeline testing, packer fluids and completion fluids.
Due to highly concentration Hydrotech 3670 RX  provides a more cost effective treatment than other hydrotest inhibitor chemicals currently available on the market.

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